The Arrowlight Studio

The Arrowlight Studio is a free-standing retreat space on our property that is set aside for you to spend an hour, an afternoon, or a day. Come and dwell with God, be transformed by His Word, and learn to live on mission in your daily life.

Do you wish you had a private place to get away for an hour or an afternoon to study the Word, spend time in prayer, or seek the Lord?

Do you need a quiet place to prepare a devotion, lesson, or sermon?

Would you love to have a place to bring your kids where you can discover ways to develop spiritual habits and rhythms for life?

How would taking a refreshing, spiritual field trip to retreat in our Studio bless your family or homeschool?

Would you and your spouse like to spend a date night in a quiet place to pray together and set spiritual goals for your relationship and family?

Come and be encouraged by using this space to retreat, rest, and refresh your spirit!

Our studio is designed to help you experience a peaceful space that is filled with spiritual resources – books, prayer prompts, illustrated Scripture, art supplies, and more – to encourage and equip you as you seek and serve the Lord.

Start your day, spend your lunch hour, drop by for an afternoon, or plan an evening.

Be still. Adore Him. Worship.

Study. Pray. Rest. Create.

Request time to use The Studio.

Include the day and time you want to come

Ask any questions you have or check out our FAQs below

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I come?

The Studio is available to be used 24/7, except during current classes and studies, and is subject to availability.

Do I need a reservation?

It is recommended that you let us know ahead of time if you can. Text or email Jennifer when you want to come, and she will confirm your spot. We can usually accommodate drop-in guests as long as the Studio is not hosting a class or being used by others.

Can I eat/drink in the Studio?

Often, a few drinks and snacks are available for you to enjoy while you’re here, and you are welcome to bring your own food. We do have a coffee maker and hope to add a small refrigerator soon!

How much does it cost?

We have created this space to be used free of charge as a ministry to others. If you would like to give to help it remain available to others, you’re welcome to do so either at the Studio (place gift in donation box) or donate anytime in our Shop. Nothing is expected, though everything is appreciated!

What do I do while I’m there?

Rest. Listen. Read. Pray. Study. Write. Sing. Create. Bring your own Bible and study materials or explore the Bibles, study materials, art supplies, books, and resources in the Studio. Spend time in one of our mini prayer studios filled with Scriptures, prayer prompts, and ideas. Or check out our blog for more ideas.

How do I get in?

When you request a time, Jennifer will send you a unique code to get in via our coded door lock.

How long can I stay?

We suggest coming for an hour to a half-day to start. At this time, we cannot accommodate overnight guests.

Is there a restroom?

We are praying about and investigating how to add a restroom to our Studio. For now, we encourage you to go before you come. We do have one in the main house if needed.

Can I take home your resources?

We do ask the books, art supplies, and other items remain in the Studio for others to use. You are welcome to take with you any art or illustrations you make. You can check out our Resource Bookshelf for items you can take with you for a suggested donation.

Can I spend time outside the Studio?

Yes! Please feel free to use the Turquoise Table or take a blanket out under the trees behind the Studio to enjoy the outdoors. We have plans to add more outdoor opportunities as we are able.

How often can I come?

We would suggest coming once a week or once a month. At this time, we can also accommodate daily visits for a specific season of seeking the Lord. However often you come, we encourage you to create space regularly to pursue time with the Lord.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you still have some questions.

If you can’t find the information you’re searching for, let’s chat!